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Efficiency Endpoints

Get Global Efficiency Leaderboards​


Fetches the current efficiency leaderboard for a specific efficiency metric. Returns an array of Player objects.

Query Params

metricComputedMetric or ehp+ehbtrueThe efficiency metric.
playerTypePlayerType?falseThe player's account type to filter by.
playerBuildPlayerBuild?falseThe player's account build to filter by.
countryCountry?falseThe player's country of origin to filter by.
limitintegerfalseThe pagination limit. See Pagination
offsetintegerfalseThe pagination offset. See Pagination

Example Request

curl -X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

"id": 86411,
"username": "5th hcim lul",
"displayName": "5th hcim LUL",
"type": "hardcore",
"build": "main",
"country": null,
"status": "active",
"patron": false,
"exp": 3519827606,
"ehp": 15015.16612,
"ehb": 791.61565,
"ttm": 0,
"tt200m": 7437.64519,
"registeredAt": "2020-11-15T01:08:42.302Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:17.586Z",
"lastChangedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:15.022Z",
"lastImportedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:17.585Z"
"id": 22030,
"username": "farmer mcgee",
"displayName": "Farmer McGee",
"type": "hardcore",
"build": "main",
"country": null,
"status": "active",
"patron": false,
"exp": 2586560221,
"ehp": 10269.00734,
"ehb": 903.33624,
"ttm": 0,
"tt200m": 12183.80397,
"registeredAt": "2020-07-09T17:12:43.557Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-19T15:08:05.515Z",
"lastChangedAt": "2022-10-19T15:08:05.140Z",
"lastImportedAt": "2022-10-11T23:57:38.283Z"

Get Efficiency Rates​


Fetches the current efficiency rates for skills and bosses. Returns an array of SkillMetaConfig or BossMetaConfig objects based on choice of metric.

Query Params

typeEfficiencyAlgorithmTypetrueThe efficiency type to fetch metas for.
metricehp or ehbtrueThe efficiency metric.

Example Request


When using the JavaScript / TypeScript package, you don't need to specify the metric. They are two separate functions, getEHBRates and getEHPRates.

curl -X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

"boss": "abyssal_sire",
"rate": 45
"boss": "alchemical_hydra",
"rate": 30
"boss": "araxxor",
"rate": 37
"boss": "artio",
"rate": 60
"boss": "barrows_chests",
"rate": 22
// ... etc for all bosses