Efficiency Endpoints
Get Global Efficiency Leaderboards​
Fetches the current efficiency leaderboard for a specific efficiency metric. Returns an array of Player objects.
Query Params
Field | Type | Required | Description |
metric | ComputedMetric or ehp+ehb | true | The efficiency metric. |
playerType | PlayerType? | false | The player's account type to filter by. |
playerBuild | PlayerBuild? | false | The player's account build to filter by. |
country | Country? | false | The player's country of origin to filter by. |
limit | integer | false | The pagination limit. See Pagination |
offset | integer | false | The pagination offset. See Pagination |
Example Request
- cURL
- JavaScript / TypeScript
curl -X GET https://api.wiseoldman.net/v2/efficiency/leaderboard?metric=ehp&playerType=hardcore \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
const { WOMClient, Metric, PlayerType } = require('@wise-old-man/utils');
const client = new WOMClient();
const efficiencyLeaderboards = await client.efficiency.getEfficiencyLeaderboards({
metric: Metric.EHP,
playerType: PlayerType.HARDCORE
Example Response
"id": 86411,
"username": "5th hcim lul",
"displayName": "5th hcim LUL",
"type": "hardcore",
"build": "main",
"country": null,
"status": "active",
"patron": false,
"exp": 3519827606,
"ehp": 15015.16612,
"ehb": 791.61565,
"ttm": 0,
"tt200m": 7437.64519,
"registeredAt": "2020-11-15T01:08:42.302Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:17.586Z",
"lastChangedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:15.022Z",
"lastImportedAt": "2022-10-30T02:05:17.585Z"
"id": 22030,
"username": "farmer mcgee",
"displayName": "Farmer McGee",
"type": "hardcore",
"build": "main",
"country": null,
"status": "active",
"patron": false,
"exp": 2586560221,
"ehp": 10269.00734,
"ehb": 903.33624,
"ttm": 0,
"tt200m": 12183.80397,
"registeredAt": "2020-07-09T17:12:43.557Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-19T15:08:05.515Z",
"lastChangedAt": "2022-10-19T15:08:05.140Z",
"lastImportedAt": "2022-10-11T23:57:38.283Z"
Get Efficiency Rates​
Fetches the current efficiency rates for skills and bosses. Returns an array of SkillMetaConfig or BossMetaConfig objects based on choice of metric.
Query Params
Field | Type | Required | Description |
type | EfficiencyAlgorithmType | true | The efficiency type to fetch metas for. |
metric | ehp or ehb | true | The efficiency metric. |
Example Request
When using the JavaScript / TypeScript package, you don't need to specify the metric. They are two separate functions, getEHBRates
and getEHPRates
- cURL
- JavaScript / TypeScript
curl -X GET https://api.wiseoldman.net/v2/efficiency/rates?type=main&metric=ehb \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
const { WOMClient, Metric, PlayerType } = require('@wise-old-man/utils');
const client = new WOMClient();
const ehbRates = await client.efficiency.getEHBRates({
playerType: PlayerType.MAIN
Example Response
"boss": "abyssal_sire",
"rate": 45
"boss": "alchemical_hydra",
"rate": 30
"boss": "araxxor",
"rate": 37
"boss": "artio",
"rate": 60
"boss": "barrows_chests",
"rate": 22
// ... etc for all bosses