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Competition Types & Entities

(Enum) Competition Type

'classic', 'team'

(Enum) Competition Status

'upcoming', 'ongoing', 'finished'

(Enum) Competition CSV Table Type

'team', 'teams', 'participants'

(Object) Competition Progress

startintegerA player's start value for the competition's metric.
endintegerA player's end value for the competition's metric.
gainedintegerA player's gained value for the competition's metric.

(Object) Competition Levels Progress

startintegerA player's start level for the competition's metric.
endintegerA player's end level for the competition's metric.
gainedintegerA player's gained levels for the competition's metric.

(Object) Competition

idintegerThe competition's unique ID.
titlestringThe competition's title.
metricMetricThe competition's metric.
typeCompetitionTypeThe competition's type.
startsAtdateThe competition's start date.
endsAtdateThe competition's end date.
groupIdinteger?The competition's host group ID.
scoreintegerThe competition's global ranking score.
createdAtdateThe competition's creation date.
updatedAtdateThe competition's last modification date.
participantCountnumberThe competition's total number of participants.
groupGroupThe competition's host group.

(Object) Participation

playerIdintegerThe player's ID.
competitionIdintegerThe competition's ID.
teamNamestring?The name of the team the player is in. (Only applicable to team competitions)
createdAtdateThe date at which the player was added as a participant to the competition.
updatedAtdateThe date at which the participation was updated.

(Object) Competition Participation

Returned in competition-centric endpoints.

extends Participation

playerPlayerThe participation's player.

(Object) Player Participation

Returned in player-centric endpoints.

extends Participation

competitionCompetitionThe competition the player is competing in.

(Object) Player Competition Standing

extends PlayerParticipation

progressCompetitionProgressThe player's progress in the competition.
levelsCompetitionLevelProgress?The player's levels progress in the competition. (Only exists in skilling competitions)
ranknumberThe player's rank in the competition.

(Object) Competition Participation Details

extends CompetitionParticipation

progressCompetitionProgressThe player's progress in the competition.
levelsCompetitionLevelProgress?The player's levels progress in the competition. (Only exists in skilling competitions)

(Object) Competition Details

extends Competition

participationsCompetitionParticipationDetailsThe competition's participants, and all their progress.

(Object) Competition History Datapoint

valuenumberThe player's value for the competition metric, at a specific point in time.
datedateThe date at which the datapoint was recorded.

(Object) Top 5 Progress Result

playerPlayerThe participant.
historyCompetitionHistoryDataPointThe participant's history throughout the competition.

(Object) Team

namestringThe team's name.
participantsstring[]The team's participants' usernames.

(Object) Competition With Participations

extends Competition

participationsCompetitionParticipation[]The competition's participants.