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Name Change Types & Entities

(Enum) Name Change Status​

'pending', 'approved', 'denied'

Name Change Review Context​

This JSON object can have many shapes, depending on the context that lead to the name change being denied or skipped. These are examples of all possible shapes:

Denied Context​

reason: 'manual_review';
reason: 'old_stats_cannot_be_found';
reason: 'new_name_not_on_the_hiscores';
reason: 'negative_gains';
negativeGains: {
attack: -5867834,
hunter: -12355,
zulrah: -53

Skipped Context​

reason: 'transition_period_too_long';
maxHoursDiff: 504;
hoursDiff: 596;
reason: 'excessive_gains';
ehpDiff: 407;
ehbDiff: 204;
hoursDiff: 596;
reason: 'total_level_too_low';
minTotalLevel: 700;
totalLevel: 384;

(Object) Name Change​

idintegerThe name change's unique ID.
playerIdintegerThe name change's parent player ID.
oldNamestringThe player's "previous" username.
newNamestringThe player's "new" username.
statusNameChangeStatusThe name change's status.
reviewContextReviewContext?The name change's reason to have been denied or skipped during auto-review.
resolvedAtdate?The date at which the name change has been approved/denied.
updatedAtdateThe date at which the name change was last modified.
createdAtdateThe date at which the name change was submitted.